Saturday, July 11, 2009

iRazoo Is a great site.

You can earn a free $5 Amazon gift card on iRazoo every 10 days! (You can earn 300 points a day on iRazoo and cash out for an Amazon gift card at 3000 points, which means you can earn a $5 Amazon gift card every 10 days!)

Also, if you refer friends and they win Amazon gift cards from searching, you win too! So if your friend wins a $5 Amazon gift card, you do too! How cool is that?


  1. what's irazoo? can you give me more explaination about that site? and also how to work?


  2. Hello Anza

    Your Benefits of Joining iRazoo:

    # Every search is a chance to win Free Amazon Gift Certificates Instantly!

    # Get points for EVERY vote or comment and exchange them for exciting prizes such as
    MP3 players, cameras, memory sticks, game systems, and more

    # Earn 50 points for each friend you refer

    # In addition to more points, if anyone you refer to the iRazoo website wins a
    Gift Certificate, you will win that same Gift Certificate as well

    ***Only users from the United States, Canada, UK and India are eligible to earn and exchange points.
    However users from any country can win instantly!***

    Hope this answers your question.

