Tuesday, June 9, 2009


First off aproxamatly 2 years ago I started out with my first Ptc site. ROCKHOUNDERSPTC. Over the last 2 years the site has made a income of 505.07, And paid out 439.30 in payouts to members. Now if you don't own a ptc site you might think this is not a lot of money. Well one it is fun and you learn a lot. Two you get to advertise all your other site for free. I gain many loyal members who then end up being your referrals in other programs .((if you are lucky))

Then I started ASIFPTC. This site is a Paid to click site. Asif is my cat and you will see pics of her on the site. As of to date, the stats are. Total income =366.91 and Payouts=226.02.

And My Best and most produtive site is CATUCSJUCIEPTC The stats on this site is. Total income=477.62 and payouts are more than income. Payouts=485.77.

Why put all my stats out for everyone to see. So that the average clicker does not think all owners of ptc sites are rich. Also they are fun to watch the stats of the sites, how many members and the free ads are unlimited when you have your own sites.

Now for hosting I pay around $30.00 for all 3 sites a month. IF you need hosting get a hold of me I have the best hosting company.

Thanks for reading my blog please become a member or leave a comment so I know I not talking to myself. lol

pollyjean :)


  1. Hi Pollyjean,
    No your not talking to yourself. I read your blog through Sassy, I enjoyed your honesty, and your courage to run your own sites. I have no pc knowledge. I am going to be started a blog in the next few months to try to sell some of my beaded jewelry I make in the evenings. (Days are used clicking, and I can't have small beads out while my birds are up, can't chance them swallowing one) what about posting some good, free, and earn a little $$ surfing sites. I'm bookmarking your site so I can stay updated. Thanks, crochetkid

  2. Hello Crochetkid,
    Thanks for confirming I'm not talking to myself at least on the blog ;).
    I try to do my best and I believe honesty is the only way. I will admit in the beging with no training. I did miss some payouts.. they just simply diapered. But now I have it down. I have not had much luck with paid to surf. Most of the time they all seem to go down just as I am turning a profit.

    Now about the blog on making jewelry that is real cool. My roommate and I just started making are own hand made soap and she is running that blog. We already got a few orders just from the blog. So I encourage you to get yours going with your product. When you do send me a link I would love to see what you make.
    Thanks pollyjean
